A Busy Week In Books And Errands

I was pretty busy this week.

That is why I seem to have forgotten to publish a few posts.

They pile up on my computer.

I only realized tonight that there was a discrepancy between my files on my HD and thememoirs.org.

Oh well, better late than never.

Then there was also the whole likemind thing.

I have also finished The Player Of Games by Iain M. Banks and I have started Against A Dark Background by the same author.

My fears of Banks using the same plot device in all of his novels was premature.

Up to now, I have read four Banks science-fiction novels, The Algebraist, Excession, Consider Phlebas and The Player Of Games.

I am about 124 pages into Against A Dark Background and it’s still riveting, as most of his science-fiction novels.

I was thinking though that if I talk in absolutes, I will most probably think that I do like Alastair Reynolds‘ novels a bit better.

How can I say this?

Because I have read Pushing Ice already a few times and I plan on reading it again, as well as his other novels.

My pile of books to read has been significantly reduced after this week’s reading; I finished The Player Of Games last night. I had started it during the same night. It was a bit shorter than the other Banks novels, but still. I couldn’t put it down.

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