Big Brother Australia S08D011 (Channel Ten)

David, Dixie, Rebecca, Renee and Saxon are in the danger zone. They run a chance of being nominated.

After yesterday’s sunrise snap eviction, the HM are back in bed. Dixie is sighing heavily in bed. The HM are complaining. She moans. They wake her up to shut her up. The only one who stayed up is Terri who is busy tidying up.

Travis’ voice is going up and down. He speaks lower from time to time. Maybe it’s an act. It’s not the first time that he has gone down a few notches on his high voice.

Renee goes to see BB. She’s freaking out because of what she learned about the eviction process. She might act like a tomboy, but once she gets cleaned up, she must be a knock-out.

Corey is in the back-yard walking on his hands. Bianca hates how everybody is on his side and not hers. Terri is surprised that Doc Alice is on Corey’s side. Terri bitches about Corey to Bianca. Corey wins a small hand-stand race that he had with Saxon.

Rebecca wants to go home. She tells this to Doc Alice. Rebecca goes to see BB. He asks her to sleep on it. She announces it to all of the girls, who huddle her with attention.

Corey is making the bread.

The Nobster’s got a do not disturb sign on his Kombi van door. He wants to join in for the family discussion during the family dinner. BB says that he’s got a surprise for him. He will not be entering the house. BB will let him know shortly.

It’s time for the weekly family dinner. Brigitte is heading the proceedings. The Nobster is watching on his van. The question is raised about his place in the van. Terri feels bad. He’s been out there for so long. Ben says that when people whinge, they should look at the Nobster stuck in the garden.

Doc Alice is happy to have met Corey. Terri doesn’t think that he’s a welcome addition. She’s her usual bitch. Bianca says that it’s better that he’s here after she started to get to know him. Saxon likes Corey as well.

Dixie isn’t happy about the food situation. Dixie is upset that people said that her food tasted like dog food. Doc Alice agrees that it didn’t taste so good, but she did her best.

Corey is annoyed that people are hiding food. Saxon talks about Fat Dixie, who’s been hiding food in her bed and bra.

She goes to the bathroom for a little cry. Later, she talks with Rebecca about this.

Saxon talks with the Nobster and Ben about Dixie bitching about Brigitte. They find her hypocritical. She’s being nice to Brigitte’s face and bitching behind her back. She goes to see BB to tell him that she wants to go home.

They find a bit insect in the yard. They plan on scaring on the girls, most probably Dixie. In the diary room, she’s upset about Saxon’s comments at the dinner table.

Dixie finds the bug in the toilet and blames the boys, who couldn’t keep from smiling. Corey does a good Mr. Bean impression. Brigitte likes Corey.

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