Tag: writing

  • An Indian Desi on the Storytree

    An Indian Desi on the Storytree

    The flamboyant dilettante called me by name. I was shocked. My eyes danced over what was visible of his face, most of which was hidden behind the masks that we all wear. I didn’t recognize him. How did he know my name? A few moments later, I realized that I was still wearing my nametag.…

  • The Scarlet Gospels By Clive Barker

    It’s been quite a few years since Clive Barker published a good book for adults. It’s been about 20 years since his heyday, Everville, The Great and Secret Show, Imajica, Sacrament, probably because he’s been active in other creative arts. The Abarat series has been ongoing for the last 13 years, and only three novels…

  • SEVENEVES By Neal Stephenson

    Neal Stephenson has been on a roll recently, since Anathem, which I consider to be an amazing science-fiction novel. He naturally faced a quandary after writing so much cyberpunk that he had to reinvent new genres whilst writing his new books.

  • Blood Work Vs The Poet By Michael Connelly

    It was with slight misgivings that I started reading Blood Work again. I had read it after the movie based on this book was released. I wasn’t that impressed with Clint Eastwood’s interpretation of Terry McCaleb, but there was something about the plot that was stirring. Clint Eastwood’s portrayal of someone who had a heart…

  • Hamilton and Reynolds, Beyond Science-Fiction Writing

    Hamilton and Reynolds, Beyond Science-Fiction Writing

    As I was lying in my bed last night, reading The Man in the High Castle, I started missing reading about the Void. Unlike Reynolds, who has completely abandoned his magnum opus, Revelation Space, Hamilton has spent time developing even further.

  • Japanese Robot Mimics Complex Calligraphy

    It takes years for a person to learn how to write Japanese or Chinese characters. There’s good news though. Robots can do it a lot quicker. A research group has developed a ‘bot that can identify and mimic detailed brush strokes that are required to write these kinds of characters. Read more @ Technabob

  • Six Snarling Stray Dogs

    Six snarling stray dogs came at me and Spike this afternoon while I was walking Spike. They went for Spike, who was pleasantly going about his business at the park. They acted like a hunting pack and were growling, snarling, and snapping. When I saw them approach and surround my Frenchie Spike, who was off…

  • The Persians

    On my way home from school on Thursday, after having filled up Die Rote Zora with 98 octane, I saw a girl holding her Persian cat. It was partly orange and had big green eyes. It barely moved in her arms. I was at a red light. The cat got too heavy for the girl,…

  • My Girlfriend Is Blind by Mima Simić @ Firmuhment

    Beautiful story by Mima Simić over @ the Firmuhment. It’s hard to imagine how life would be without sight.

  • Amanda Hocking & Indie Writing

    I was pretty surprised when I read about this author, who’s been selling e-books like hotcakes. Amanda Hocking writes fiction, not tech or self-help books, which is even more interesting. Anyway, here a writeup by Eli James that I liked. Some of books have been optioned for film.