Spider-Man 3 Movie Review

I’ve just managed to see the new Spider-Man movie this weekend.

Honestly, it’s a good movie, in the super-hero genre of course.

It’s better than the second movie I believe and introduces some cool new villains, the Sandman and Venom. Does this mean that Carnage is not far off?

This is a review of the new Spider-Man 3 movie released on the 1st of May worldwide. It contains minor spoilers in the recap section, but no major spoilers. (The ending and what happens to any of the major characters is not revealed or discussed. The first part of this post is the review which has no spoilers.)

This movie has great actions scenes. Spidey fighting bad buys and one of the best bad guys is Venom. It’s funny because Spidey’s life is going great, but his personal life is really doing bad. Things are not working out with MJ, he has some trouble at work with a new competitor and he is in the same situation as before.

The parts where Pete comes to terms with his new persona as Dark Pete, when the symbiote has bonded with him, are really funny. It reminds me of the time in the second movie where he stops being Spider-Man for a short while.

I’ve read that Sony plans on making three more sequels. If they are as successful with the next movies as with this one, I wouldn’t be surprised if more movies will be made. The official cost of this movie was $258 million US. During the first day, it made $59 million US in the US alone. With international releases, the gross revenue for the first weekend worldwide could be around $104 million US.

Casting-wise, I was a bit surprised with Topher Grace, but he pulled it off admirably. In my book, Brock should have been a lot beefier than Grace, but it was adequate and the special effects for Venom were great. But, the effects for the Sandman were above and beyond those. They were incredible.

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Things continue where they left off.

Spider-man is doing great, the city loves him. He is getting favorable media coverage from every form. Spidey is confronted by Flint Marko, Sandman. Peter learns that his uncle was killed by him and not by the man that he thought had killed him.

He was involved in his death in the first movie. Things are also going great for Peter’s academic life. He is back on top of his class and doing what he is supposed to do. He plans on asking Mary Jane to marry him; however things are not going great with her.

Peter has the habit of always talking about himself and Spidey instead of listening to MJ. Harry tries to kill him with the Goblin’s toys, but he fails. He has an accident and looses his memory of recent events. He recovers and he is great friends once more with Peter, but he still has his abilities.

Peter is invaded in is sleep by an alien symbiote, it mimics his Spider-man suit and brings out his darkest emotions. He thinks he killed Marko; Marko dissolved in the sewers, but he will be back to haunt Spidey.

MJ is having trouble with her stage life. In her most recent play, her critics destroyed her. She tries to talk about this with Pete, but he won’t listen. She looses her job at her show and she has to become a waitress again.

MJ goes back into Harry’s arms after having problems with Pete. But after seeing MJ, Harry recovers his memory and his toys. He makes MJ break-up with Pete. Pete comes clean with his proposal but she just storms away because otherwise, Harry will kill him. Harry tells Pete that he’s the other man that MJ talked about. Pete isn’t happy and that makes him vulnerable to the symbiote.

He confronts Harry and beats him up.

When he sees that Eddie Brock Jr, his new rival at the Daily Bugle, has a photo of Spider-Man stealing something, he is really upset. He confronts Brock at the Bugle and Brock looses everything, because the photo is a fake.

Pete turns into Dark Pete. The symbiote is playing with Pete’s darker characteristics and amplifying them. He gets the staff job at the Bugle. He starts going out with Gwen Stacy, the police commissioner’s daughter he saved.

After an incident at the jazz bar where MJ works, Peter tries to get rid of his new suit. He does so in the church where Brock asks God to kill Spider-Man. Brock sees that Pete is Spider-Man and gets the symbiote. He becomes Venom.

Venom and Marko team up to get Spidey. The bad guys kidnap MJ. Pete asks Harry’s help to defeat them. Bernard, Harry’s butler, tells him that he believes that his father was killed by his own glider. Harry’s face is scarred because of the explosion that ensued after his fight with Pete.

In the end, he comes through and there is a giant fight.

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