Big Brother USA S08E30

Sunset over Taipei. Taken with a Sony Ericsson K810i 3.2MP camera phone.

It’s time for the final PoV competition episode.

Danielle is upset at being nominated. Zach is having delusions of grandeur by being HoH this week. Dick is working his magic on Zach. Dick believes that he would win against Zach.

Warning: Spoilers ahead.

Zach says that he didn’t really try to win any competitions before the end.

We see a VT about the evicted HM in the jury house. Dustin was first in the luxurious mansion. He was joined by Jen a week later.

Jen and Dustin are having fun, even with their differences. They were joined by Amber a week later. Amber starts to cry. Again. Nothing is new about this. A week later, Jessica comes over. Eric sneaks in by the back door. The evicted HM see the tape of what happened in the past week.

The jury wants Jameka and Zach to bond and win over the Donatos.

Jameka and Zach are prepping for the veto competition by quizzing themselves about what happened in the house before.

Dick is trying to give a pep talk to Danielle, but it just doesn’t work out. Meanwhile, Zach and Jameka are praying in the HoH room.

The PoV competition was very hard and Danielle smoked everyone. She won the last PoV competition. That means that she will put herself off the block and Jameka will get nominated. This means that Jameka will go home.

Dick is talking smack to Zach. He goes on a whole rant. Dick gives Jameka a hug and heads into the house to talk some more smack to Zach.

Danielle looks very happy about her win, but she is quieter than Dick. She kind of enjoys Dick’s antics.

Danielle uses the PoV to take her dad off the block. Jameka is automatically nominated. Dick uses his vote to evict Jameka.

Dick was surprised that Danielle took him off the block instead of herself. It didn’t really matter.

It’s time for the final HoH competition. Actually, it’s only the first part of three.

Needless to say, it was a tough one. The HM were on carrot stumps and had to jump over a revolving barrier. They got some freezing rain and Danielle fell off her stump as she missed a jump. Dick and Zach battled it out, but in the end, Zach won the 1st part of the HoH competition. Dick was battling a mild case of hypothermia afterwards. He was sick enough for BB to ask him about it. He spent time huddled in covers and blankets to warm up. Danielle cooked both of them some soup and grilled cheese sandwiches, with some hot tea to warm them up.

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