Big Brother Australia S08D31 (Channel Ten)

Dixie, Alice, Bianca, Nobbi and Terri are in the danger zone.

It’s the second day of the dog task. Ollie is being trained by his guardian Alice. A week ago, Dixie became the laundry lady. Terri tells Dixie to move the laundry, because the dog pissed somewhere over there. She gives Dixie some attitude.

The boys are playing a prank on Terri, who’s got the job of cleaning up after the dog. Rory makes her clean it up.

Dixie comes to see BB in the diary room. She wants a rope to make a clothesline. BB tells her that there are drying facilities in the house. She says that she wants to leave.

Renee is making a peg-face out of herself. Terri is participating as well. They are using her arm.

Dixie is about to leave the room. She wants to leave. The door to the diary room opens and she leaves. She takes a shower. Rory finds her. She’s obviously upset and crying. They leave her when she says that she wants to be alone.

Ollie is munching on a toy. He’s a good puppy.

The boys are working out. Travis wants to learn. They help him out.

Dixie is lying in the locker room.

No you can go outside Rory. All that you are doing is stinking up the house.
Brigitte to Rory.

BB warns all of the HM in the diary room that they haven’t been following the rules. BB imposed a silent fine rule. The HM continued to go through $82000AU of fines during their settling-in period. The settling-in period is over. Any HM found in breach of the guidelines will incur a strike against them. Once a HM incurs three strikes, they will be evicted. The levels of profanity in the house are way too high. Repeat offenders will incur warnings.

This week the HM get some pocket money and get to spend them on a vending machine. They have to spend it on something. They had to decide between Ben’s family photos and Brigitte’s runners. They go for the photos.

I’m mean to you because you’re not my friends and I don’t really like you.
Brigitte to Knobby and Rory.

Brigitte hates Rory. She doesn’t like his personality. He wants to know something specific. She can’t really say it. She can’t express himself. She thinks that Nobbi is OK.

Ben is looking at his photos in the bedroom.

Travis is getting a haircut. He asked both Dixie and Brigitte to cut his hair. They both refused. He’s entrusted the Nobster to cut his hair. Knobby makes a fine job. Knobby cuts off pieces of hair which expose his skin.

Terri is confiding in Ollie. She thinks that some of the guys are like savages.

Ben and Knobby laugh about it.

Travis thinks that Brig isn’t being as trustworthy as she should be, considering the number of times that he stuck up for him. Dixie’s behavior towards him is inappropriate.

The Nobster is talking to Ollie about Dixie. You never know what you are going to get with her. He likes her because she loses her temper with other people.

Dixie wonders why Ollie has been ignoring her. She doesn’t like dogs. She’s willing to give him a chance. Dixie dislikes Terri because of her smelly feet. She doesn’t like Travis because he annoys her.

Brig is having fun with Ollie. She says that she likes Dixie, even though Dixie hates her sometimes. Brig says that she hates Rory. Ollie is just busy licking her ears. They fit well together.

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