Big Brother US S09E31 (CBS)

Adam is in trouble. Ryan might backdoor him. The power of the house shifts to the winner of the POV competition. Ultimately, the winner of the POV dictates who will be evicted. Sheila has a little cry about being nominated this week. Whatever! There aren’t enough people left for it to be really personal. She doesn’t realize this.

Ryan wants to go to the final three with Sharon and Adam. He wants to get rid of Sheila this week. At least that’s what he tells Adam. Meanwhile he tells Sharon that they need to get rid of Adam soon so that they can make it to the final two.

Sheila is worried about leaving. Adam promises to use the POV to send Sharon packing.

Adam and Sheila are chained up together. Adam uses this to bug Sheila. During the night, Sharon goes to plot with Ryan. She tells him that Adam and Sheila are very close. They will stick together because Adam will feel sorry for Sheila. He will flip on Ryan and send Sharon home.

It’s time for the POV comp. They have to match the HM with what they have said. Ryan has the early lead. Sharon and Sheila are bringing up the rear. Adam is right behind Ryan. It’s too late, Ryan wins POV.

Ryan isn’t sure that he wants Adam to have the single vote.

Adam tries to make a deal with Sharon, but she hesitates and doesn’t really want to commit. She found it fishy. He thinks that she has some alliance going with Ryan.

Sharon tells Ryan what Adam told her moments before. Ryan thinks that he should get rid of Adam now.

Sheila tells Adam that they should stick together. She wants the money, 50K$ or 500K$. Who gives a shit? She’s out of luck.

Ryan and Adam have it out in the HOH room. Ryan is pissed. Adam says that he has no problems of getting rid of Sheila. Adam says to put him on the block.

Plastic Chen talks with the HM. Ryan doesn’t use the POV. He keeps the nominations the same.

It’s time for Adam to cast his vote. He votes Sharon out. Unsurprising, since he found out that Sharon had an alliance with Ryan. Ryan isn’t a happy camper.

Sharon says that she wants to try things out with Jacob.

It’s time for the final HOH competition. All of the HM can participate. The comp takes places in three parts. The winner of round 1 will move ahead to round 3. The winner of round 2 will face off with the winner of round 1 in round 3. The winner gets a spot in the final two and chooses who will sit next to him/her.

The HM have to hold on onto a wakeboard and ride up the creek. The person who hangs on the longest will win the first round. Water starts pouring down on them.

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