Tag: kindergarten

  • Pukers & Medicine

    This week, I’ve had two students puke their guts out. Both were from the K3 class, and not my own students. They both puked during snack time. If there’s one thing that I don’t deal with, it’s puke, pee, and poo. I let others take care of that. I don’t like seeing puke because it…

  • Temper Tantrum Aaron

    The problem with kids that are spoiled rotten is that they can be a handful when they come to Kindergarten. I’ve got a kid like that in my K2 class and he throws temper tantrums almost every day. He’s learned that this is the way that he gets what he wants and uses this with…

  • Amy and Super Water Again

    -Amy, is your water still super water? -No… Amy replies with a smile

  • Amy’s Super Water

    -My water is so good, it’s super water! 4-year old Amy in class this week

  • Kindergarten Makes You Out Of It

    It’s been a few weeks since I taught Kindergarten and I had forgotten how exhausting that is. Crazy Pete, a K2 kid, is especially annoying. He just goes all over the place. It’s kind of funny really. Then there was the K1 class. They were babies, literally. Some of them were like 2 or 3.…

  • June 16 2008

  • June 11 2008

  • Outdoor Teaching

    I went outdoor teaching today. It was 35C. It was incredibly hot. I had 4L of water with me. I was using a hydration bladder. It was cool. My Osprey Atmos 25 is perfectly suited for the job. Still, I brought too much water. I like using the hydration bladder. It makes drinking water on…

  • Tuesday Morning At A Kindergarten In Taiwan

    I arrived at my morning gig right on time. Actually, I’ve been slower than usual getting to work so I’ve been arriving at work a bit later than I wanted. I’ve never been late though. My bruised is healing up well, I ice it down three or four times a day. The rest of the…

  • Fever Dreams Of Corporal Punishment

    I’ve been stuck with a fever for the last few days. It hasn’t been easy, but it’s something you expect when you work this closely with little kids. The worst is actually when I get home and relax. The fever really hits me at around 9PM and knocks me out. I’d like to be bedridden,…