Big Brother UK S09D53 (Channel 4)

Darnell is in the diary room. He’s going on about how this was a big accomplishment for him. What a dick! He says that he will be different person.

Rex says that he would never take public transport. Mikey says that he’s always on public transport. Mikey is the archetypical angry blind person, who swears a lot. It’s pretty funny.

Rachel thinks that Mexico is in the Caribbean.

Kat is spouting some BS to Luke about being happy. She doesn’t want him to be so upset.

Today HM will compete to become the next HOH. Kat tells May that she was on TV in Thailand. Who cares? No one.

HM must eat as many chili peppers as they can. They earn points by eating the chilies. Dale is the first one in the diary room. He eats chili number 4. It’s pretty hot. Dale managed to eat for 5 pts. Dale runs out of the diary room into the bathroom. Luke follows him. He asks him to get a glass of milk. Darnell scored 10 pts. Kat easily scored 20 pts. Luke got 0 pts. Lisa and May have 9 pts. Mikey scored 30 pts. Mo gets 28. He was the most entertaining to watch. He jumped all over the place, screamed like a madman and went out of the diary room like his pants were on fire.

He threw some powder in his face and went running to the outside shower and rinsed his mouth out. Rachel scored 0 pts.

Sara scores 21 pts. Stu scores 34 pts.

Oh, this one looks like a dildo!
Mo to BB

BB gathers the HM.

Luke                0

Rachel             0

Dale                 5

Lisa                 9

May                 9

Darnell            10

Kat                  20

Sara                 24

Rex                  26

Mo                   28

Mikey              30

Stu                   34

Stu is HOH and will live with Mikey, Mo, and Rex in heaven. Darnell implies that Mikey tried really hard to be HOH. Mikey just didn’t want to be in heaven.

Luke is already complaining to Dale. Luke can’t stand Darnell. He’s going to be singing constantly. Mikey tells Luke about the cookie power horror stories. They keep singing it all of the time. Mikey finds it funny. He says good luck. Meanwhile, idiotic Kat is singing a song with her buddies.

Lisa tells Kat that Luke has got an amazing vocaburary (that’s how she says it). She tells her that his favorite word is “shut up”. Lisa and May singing the Black Eyed Peas song “Shut up”.

Kat tells Rachel that some people are so nasty it’s unbelievable. Rachel and Kat get up and leave. They go to the garden and talk.

The HM from heaven get some party food. They get a pamper hamper.

Dale is unbelievably pissed off. He’s in the garden with Luke.

The HM from heaven get some music as well. Dale and Luke can’t fathom why the public didn’t evict Mo. The girls dance outside in the garden.

* * * * *

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