Big Brother UK Day 56 (Channel 4)

BB has stripped the title of HOH from Stu because he was amongst the HM that used codes to talk about nominations.

As a result, Darnell, Kat, May, Mo, Rachel, Rex, and Stu will be nominated along Dale and Luke. 9 HM are nominated this week.

For this week’s task, HM from heaven became BBPD. The HM from hell became the robbers. Heaven passed their task.

Luke and Lisa failed to identify correctly Mo’s brother and Rex’s girlfriend. Sara, Kat, Rachel had to make 500 fake BB 100$ bills. They failed that part of the task. Robbers Darnell, May, and Dale got safe cracking. They were given 3 equations to solve in order to open a safe. They failed it.

None of these tasks count to passing the task. Dale had to carry out a secret task. He was the 1st HM to come diary room at 11:42PM. Dale drafted in May as his accomplice. An investigation is underway by the BBPD. Only if they remain undetected will they pass the task.

May has requested to leave the BBUK house. She’s not sure about leaving anymore.

The HM are playing cops and robbers as this week’s task. Stu says that he wants to go home. Rachel tells him to be positive.

Dale, Rex, and Stu talk about nominations. They think that they counted the number of noms that they will all get. This is a breach of the BB rules. Luke just watches them. It seems that the HM from heaven have forgotten that they are no longer in the nominations pod. Luke actually joins in.

Stu reckons that it will be a single eviction. Sara tells Kat that they are all talking about nominations. Kat asks Sara if she knows. Sara doesn’t know the codes, so she can’t figure it out. That’s another rule break.

Luke and Stu are talking about Rachel. Stu is annoyed at her. He’s given her so many chances. Stu talks about the noms with Dale again. Stu continues to talk about nominations with Luke. Luke thinks that the VTs might have no effect.

Some of the HM are in the living area. Darnell asks Rex if he is nominated. They use code words. They use the places that the HM are from or the teams that they like and use the as football team names. Like Chelsea, Wales, Arsenal. Rex says that Darnell and Rachel are nominated. Mo tells Rachel and Kat to shut up. They have figured out that the boys are speaking in code.

Stu and Luke are still talking about nominations.

Darnell says that he’s really paranoid. He doesn’t want to go up again. He’s pissed. He start making a fuss. Mo and Darnell start talking about the nominations. Rachel starts talking about nominations also. Kat says that she would be happy being nominated.

Darnell and Mo continue speaking about nominations.

Rex and Stu tell Mo that he is really greedy. That’s why he doesn’t get any girls, because he is too greedy. Rex says that he will teach him. The first thing that he will do is cut off Mo’s hair.

May and Kat are talking in the garden. They are talking about nominations. Mo comes in. Rachel joins in. They all talk nominations.

BB has assembled all of the HM in the living area. They are informed that they broke the fundamental rule of BB. Many HM are talking about nominations. Stu jumps up when he hears that HM have been talking about Darnell, Luke and Mo. BB tells the HM that the HOH Stu has been the most serious rule breaks. He is stripped of his title of HOH. They are told that there will be more consequences. Rachel makes light of the situation. Stu is called to the diary room.

He says that he didn’t talk about football teams. BB tells him that he broke the rules. BB will not be going into any more details with him at this time. Rachel immediately tells Stu about some more nominations. BB warns the HM again about talking about noms.

The BBPD started its run. Rex and Stu are on duty in the cop car. All of the HM from heaven are cops. The other HM are robbers.

Darnell and Kat are in the diary room. Kat just screams around. She implies that the HM tell Darnell that he’s back in jail.

The HM are told of the nominations. Luke and Dale were initially nominated. However, because of consistent rule-breaking, Stu, May, Mo, Kat, Rachel, Rex, and Darnell.

Rex tells Stu that he now wants to stay. Kat comes to them and says that she is scared. Rex tell her to stop being stupid. He tells her that she hasn’t got anything to worry about.

Lisa and Luke have to correctly identify Rex’s girlfriend and Mo’s brother. All of the other HM are in the living room. They correctly identify Mo’s brother, but don’t identify Rex’s girlfriend.

They come back and talk about their task. Mo and Rex are pretty happy.

Sara and May are in the bedroom. Sara is annoyed because she hears that people saying that they want to leave.

Mo and Stu are in the BBPD car. They have to eat the food provided for them.

Rex is in the diary room. Rex says that he’s speechless. Rex doesn’t think that the outcome of the task matters. He’s happy that she’s supporting him and that she still loves him.

Stu and Mikey are talking about the reaction of some of the HM at being nominated.

49 minutes ago, May told BB that she wants to leave. She’s not enjoying it. May is missing her family.

BB asks one of the HM from hell to go to the diary room. He is told that he is going to have to do a very special task. This week’s shopping budget depends entirely on him accomplishing a secret task. He must commit a robbery and remain undetected. In order to help him, he may elect a fellow HM from hell to be his accomplice. At some point between now and midday tomorrow, he must steal a token from the token rack.

Robbers Kat, Sara and May are making counterfeit BB 100$ bills. They have to do 500.

Dale tells May that she is his accomplice. Dale thinks that May should distract the HM that are still awake.

Robbers Dale and May come up with their plan. Darnell and May are in the garden. May starts to say that there is a rat. Dale jumps over the fence and gets the token. He jumps over and puts it in his pants. Dale stashes it in the toilet.

Mo is in the living room. He takes a token and notices that once is missing. It’s late at night. He leaves it and goes to ask the other BBPD cops. He looks pretty tired and doesn’t think much of it.

May has left the BBUK house. She walked out today. No one will miss her. She was a boring HM.

* * * * *

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