Big Brother US S09E09 (CBS)

Sharon/Josh had to change their vote at the end of the last episode. They did so because they didn’t want Matt/Nat to come after them the following week. Allison/Ryan changed their vote and put Josh/Sharon in jeopardy when they did this.

Warning: Spoilers ahead.

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Josh is pissed at Allison. He doesn’t her lying. Josh and Sharon try to pump themselves up for the HoH competition.
James is happy that Josh/Sharon won HoH. That means that Allison/Ryan and Matt/Nat will be nominated. Josh rubbed their win in everybody’s face. Josh starts attacking Allison verbally. It’s almost physical. Allison denies any wrongdoing.

Ryan wants to know what Allison did to piss Josh off. Ryan thinks that he’s psychotic. It’s the second time that he’s done so. The last time was at Amanda.

Nah, I don’t need a hug right now…
Allison to Matt

Later in the night, Allison is crying. Allison says that everybody in the house is against her. She doesn’t get talked to that way by men. Allison says that Matt and Ryan should have stuck up for her when it happened. She tries to put the guys on a guilt trip.

Allison doesn’t go to see Josh/Sharon’s HoH room. They are happy to see pictures of their family. Sharon sees a picture of Jakob.

Josh is pissed at Allison for pretending that she was gay. He tells Ryan about this. Chelsia confirms this. She says that it lasted 11 days. Ryan says that it showed how manipulative she is.

Nat wants to cuddle with Matt. Things get out of hand and they start to make out finally. She’s been after him for days, if not weeks. Matt puts a stop to it.

It’s time for the food competition. Sheila immediately thinks about buckets of slop. The comp is all about asparagus. Each couple has to fill buckets to match the weight of their partner. Each girl represents a food group. The whole house is working together.

James/Chelsia get beverages and snacks. Sheila weighs 131 lbs. She doesn’t like that. They get veggies and fruits. Matt/Nat don’t have enough weight on their scale. They don’t get feasts or carbs. Allison/Ryan get meat and cheese.
Nat is painting Josh’s likeness with her nail polish on a tissue paper. She loves to flatter Josh.

Allison comes in and starts going after Josh. Josh lets her have it as well. They have a bit of a bitch fight. In the diary room she feels good about it, but she just looked aggressive. It’s making the house uncomfortable. Sharon recommends that they have a house meeting without Ryan/Allison. He tells the other HM that he is going to avoid her.

Allison is such a hypocrite. She says that they need to be on the same page, while she spent two weeks pretending that she was gay. No one told Ryan. I guess that’s what being on the same page means for Allison.

In the HoH room, the HM have unanimously decided that Allison/Ryan should get nominated.
Matt doesn’t want to get nominated as a pawn, but he’s got no real choice in the matter.

Allison tries to talk to Josh. Her whole thing just sounds stupid. She doesn’t man up to what she has done.

Matt thinks that Nat isn’t mentally tough. He says that she is the weak part of their team.
Josh/Sharon nominate Matt/Nat and Allison/Ryan.

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