Supernatural Defending Your Life S07E04 (CW)

Supernatural Season 7 Title Card

Supernatural tells the story of Sam and Dean, who are hunters. They hunt demons. This is because their mom was killed by a demon. This season is supposed to be the last season of Supernatural, and they are dealing with the fallout of Cass absorbing all of Purgatory’s souls and trying to become God.

The plot of the series has evolved over time, beginning initially with the Winchester brothers, Sam and Dean, looking for their father throughout most of season one. Once they find him, the show becomes about killing Azazel, the yellow-eyed demon responsible for the death of their mother. This is accomplished, but not until after Azazel’s plans are completed and a door to Hell is opened, although only momentarily, releasing a horde of demons into the world. This event also sees the death of Sam, who is subsequently resurrected by Dean selling his soul at the end of season two. In the third season, the plot of the show focuses on trying to save Dean from his deal. Along the way, they meet a demon named Ruby, who has an interest in Sam and claims to be able to help save Dean, as well as Bela Talbot, an “acquirer” and seller of occult objects who is constantly a thorn in their side. The brothers eventually manage to track down the demon who holds Dean’s contract, a powerhouse named Lilith who also wants Sam dead. However, Sam and Ruby ultimately fail to save Dean, who is killed and sent to Hell. Season four begins with Dean, miraculously returning from Hell, awakening dazed and confused in a grave. He was apparently rescued by a supposed angel named Castiel on orders from God. Sam on the other hand, has further developed his abilities with the help of Ruby during the months that Dean has been dead. It is soon revealed that Dean was revived to help stop Lilith’s plan of breaking the 66 seals, which would let Lucifer walk free once again. As the series continues, Dean learns of Sam’s newfound ability to excercise demons using his psychic abilities. They have a heated argument, where Dean confesses to Sam: “Cas told me, if I dont stop you, he will. That means God does not want you doing what you are doing Sammy.” [From wiki]

I don’t really remember what made me stop watching this show, but a friend was extolling its virtues and I watched the fourth season premiere with her. Actually, I do remember. I really got tired of the repetitiveness of the episodes. This seems to have changed drastically since the last few seasons though. Supernatural has matured into a really good show, with its own flavor and great plots. The plot for season 4 is really good and I’m glad to see God involved.

Warning: spoilers ahead.

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Dean has to defend his life in a tribunal set forth by the god Osiris. Things don’t go well initially.

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Some dude is being chased by a car. The car kills him in his apartment on the 10th floor. It’s a ‘normal’ case. The guy was Matt Hammond. It looks like the guy was crushed by a car.

The guy was sober for 10 years. He paid $50 a month to some place named Jade’s. The flowers were delivered to Ms. Elizabeth Duren, a girl that died. Matt killed her when he backed out of his driveway. He wasn’t charged. They burn her bones.

Another dude is running away from a spectral dog. He runs into a diner and barricades himself in the bathroom. He’s mauled to death by the dog. His name was Fisher. He was arrested 5 years ago for running dog fighting. They find red dirt under his fingernails. They also found the same dirt at the other guy’s crime scene. It leads them to an apple farm. Some dude jumps out at them from nowhere. He says that he’s damned. He says that he held up a liquor store and killed two people. This was in 1981. He just got paroled.

He says that he was in a court in an apple farm. He was grabbed from Neal’s Tavern. There was a judge and weird symbols. Hmm, I just saw a Canada Post van in the shot. I guess the show is shot in Vancouver. Sam puts the old died inside a salt circle. Dean goes to the bar. He’s not sure he wants to work the case.

Dean drinks with some hottie named Mia. Another dude bumped into him and is watching him. She says she gets off in an hour.

Sam goes to a barn. He finds the red dirt. The chicken scratches are Egyptian. They are from the Book of the Dead, specifically Osiris. Bobby tells them to get the hell out of dodge because Osiris will hone in on their guilt. Dean gets taken.

The old dude breaks the circle when there is an electrical disturbance. The ghosts shoot him. Sam calls Dean’s phone. The hottie Mia picks up. She says she found it on the ground. There’s more red dirt on the ground.

Dean is chained up. Sam finds him before it starts. Osiris is holding a trial. Osiris calls Jo forth. Sam defends Dean nicely. Osiris dismisses Jo. Osiris calls Sam to the stand. Osiris reveals that it’s all about convincing Dean that he’s innocent.

Osiris finds Dean guilty in his heart. The last witness was Amy, the Kitsune that Dean killed. Sam believed that he let her go. Bobby says that Dean needs to stab Osiris with a ram’s horn to incapacitate him for a few centuries.

Jo comes for Dean. She puts the gas on and opens the window. Sam gets a ram’s horn just in time and stabs Osiris at the bar.

Sam says that he doesn’t feel guilty anymore.

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