Blog and Internet Psychosis

This article is part of the meta-post Dreams defined or how New Orleans will be put under the microscope. This article is the second in a series that examines the problems with heavy internet usage and its consequences.

In today’s Globe and Mail, there was an interesting article on the usage of internet and socializing. People who use the internet for more than an hour a day socialize less. Naturally, they haven’t thought or considered the people who spend 12 hours or more on the internet via MMORG’s or Second Life.


Steven Streight from Vaspers the Grate pointed out to me last night that there was an interesting bit of an Australian show on YouTube. After some research I found the video that he was talking about. Here it is, it’s quite interesting, especially when they interview the woman who spends more than 12 hours a day in Second Life.


And also from Steven Streight, his view on blog psychosis.

How do you know if you’re at a crazy person’s blog?

Or, how can blogging drive someone insane?

The atmosphere of narcissism that is embedded in the act of thinking, then typing, then posting a text to a blog is the same as in spoken conversation.

But the blogosphere records blog posts, so many people can read these inscribed thoughts and see these images, long after they were produced and published by the blogger.

Leaving a long chain of self-assertions, which we politely call blog posts, a trail, a stream of sporadic consciousness, in the blog realm is indeed different from spoken utterances. The distinct qualities of the blog enable certain sorrows to escalate into radical disturbances.

If, by looking back on your earliest posts, and following your mental coherence as manifested in subsequent posts, all the way up to the present, you feel you may be in trouble, don’t worry very much. Although there is no cure for Blog Psychosis, at least you’ll have plenty of company. Pass the creamer, please.

Some of these pronounced departures from mental health, induced by blogs and blogging, are described or manifested in so many other blogs, I will not trouble the reader with intricate analysis of them. Suffice it to say that Blog Psychosis occurs in five (5) major categories or states.

5 Majore Areas of Blog Psychosis

(1) Blogistically Defined Ego: Spending too much time reading or writing blog posts, due to being obsessed with a blogistically determined self worth. The non-bloggy portion of the personality is being diminished by the erupting diarist identity.

(2) Discombobulated Blog Identity: Inability to be your bloggy self outside the blogosphere, resulting in a split personality, both of which are largely in the dark about the rapidly deteriorating dimensions of normalcy.

As blogger: you’re funny and aggressive. Outside blogosphere: weak and inarticulate.

You’re unable to resolve the conflicting selves, so you sell yourself short and engage in clinking or other social network delusions.

(3) Bloggy Ultra-sensitivity: Aberrant over-reaction to comments, lack of comments, TTLB ecosphere slidings, RSS subscriber mutiny, or shunning by other bloggers.

This is the pinnacle of over-blogging, the grand height of blog-induced pomposity, from the dizzying heights of which the blogger feels euphoric and elated, soon to succumb to the crash of ego-deflation in the real world.

(4) Blog-phantasmic Ordeal Syndrome (BOS): The emotive attachment the blogger feels toward their blog, and their blogger friends, is disfigured, due to exo-blogospheric turbulence, and takes on an insurmountable weight, because the blogger would rather deal with the endo-blog reality. You see this when all the blogger talks about is self, company, family, or ideology, all of which are falling apart due to negligence.

(5) Blogotonic Catastrophe: A more advanced stage of BOS, the blogosphere, and the blogger’s imagined status or achievements within it, have now become the only thing that matters anymore, and it shows.

Health declines, clothes are soiled and tattered, and nobody comes over or calls anymore. When friends did visit, the blogger bantered vocally for a few minutes, but soon goes back to blogging, forgetting the presence of physical visitors in the room.

This can often be understood as an unrecoverable error, there being as yet no remedy for such an extreme disassociation from normalcy and consensus realism.


* * * * *

Relevant Posts

This post is part of a series on the Dangers of The Internet.

  1. The Problem With Second Life
  2. Blog and Internet Psychosis
  3. World Of Warcraft Addictions
  4. How to Manage MMORG Addictions, Testimonials, Tips and tricks
  5. Information Addiction

* * * * *

It is also part of the meta-post Dreams defined or how New Orleans will be put under the microscope.

Previous: Whistler Update

Next: Big Brother USA and UK updates for 4th of August 2006






45 responses to “Blog and Internet Psychosis”

  1. Jessica Doyle Avatar

    wow. That was a good read. I would put in this one:

    (2) Discombobulated Blog Identity: Inability to be your bloggy self outside the blogosphere, resulting in a split personality, both of which are largely in the dark about the rapidly deteriorating dimensions of normalcy.

    As blogger: you’re funny and aggressive. Outside blogosphere: weak and inarticulate…

    …the only difference being my personalities overlap both on or offline to the exptent that my nicknames are the same on or off.

    Goog read. thx.

  2. range Avatar

    Thanks Jessica!
    We all have different aspects to our personalities.

  3. Mentatoh Avatar

    All this information is pretty frightening on the mental-health level, yikes! Thanks for sharing it with us 🙂

  4. range Avatar

    No problem!
    Yeah, the Glode and Mail got me thinking.

    That newspaper is one of the rare ones whose circulation is up.

    Other than that, thanks for your comments, they are always welcome!

  5. Mentatoh Avatar

    The similar thing that’s happening in this part of the world is what we call “screenies” which is tied to computer and television use. The world is sure to take notice of these things thanks to the different communication-mediums available 🙂

  6. range Avatar

    I think that computer and internet use is a little more involved than TV use though. That’s why I’m happy to have my dog.

  7. Searinox Avatar

    I get the impression that you don’t have a backbone… 😛

  8. range Avatar

    Who are you referring to?

  9. Nickolaus Pacione Avatar

    Man this is one hell of a post. I can actually put a few links to a couple blogs that carry these traits, The Rusty Nail, ExposeTheTard, this individual, Encyclopedia Dramatica and

    I was referred to you by an author who was on my roster. You got some gall and this entry is well researched. I want to see you go ahead and pick apart Encyclopedia Dramatica because that is a site filled with yellow journalism. I blog in various bursts because there are times I don’t have entries in my blog, and I am usually working on a novella or a couple short stories.

    I send out here and there, then what you see with the industry is they have this blog gangland mentality. I am in touch with a lot of my real life friends from high school and college, then I have the ones I met via myspace and at book signings.

    I got this one pissblogger (this is what I call a yellow journalist type with a blog,) going around urinating on every project I worked on. What about the bloggers who are exactly who they are in real life as they are online?

    They are pissed off in person, and not afraid to say exactly what they want to say no matter how offensive it is. I’ve seen a high rate of book, music and movie piracy among bloggers too. They think it’s no big deal.

  10. cussedness Avatar

    While this is certainly a very good addressing of the issues related to obsessive blogging, it fails to take into consideration several other groups who might appear to be blogging obsessively, but in reality are not.

    Blogs and message boards often become the only social vehicles accessible to the physically disabled and housebound who would otherwise not have a social life at all.

    I suffer from Post Polio Syndrome and, on a bad day, I can barely manage to get across my living room.

    And then there is the current aspect among small press authors to use the internet as a vehicle for publicity.

    I do not believe that either of those groups should be counted within the categories that you mention, even if, at first glance they might appear to be ripe for inclusion.

  11. Dagstine spits and Nicky shits. « Cussedness’s Weblog Avatar

    […] Dagstine spits and Nicky shits. Just in case my comment fails to make it out of moderation, I’m posting both Nicky’s comment and my own here. Internet Psychosis […]

  12. Rusty Avatar

    This is an interesting take on the subject. A friend sent me a link to this entry because Nickolaus Pacione’s comment referenced my blog.

    You know you’ve landed on a crazy person’s blog when, like all of Pacione’s many blogs, it doesn’t point and laugh, but makes direct attacks on people, including death, arson, and rape threats. My blog follows the antics of nitwit bloggers who have huge egos in reverse proportion to their writing skills.

    I have no personal attachment to my blog, and spend astonishingly little time maintaining it. It amazes me how many hits it gets, and how its readership has grown over the past year. My readers appear to come from several factions, including writers, editors, Chicagoland folks who know Pacione IRL, and others who simply like to follow his online antics.

    Regardless, Pacione’s been taking anti-psychotic drugs daily, for many years. Judge for yourself.

  13. Lawrence Dagstine Avatar

    To quote the above two commenters, if I may:

    1. “While this is certainly a very good addressing of the issues related to obsessive blogging, it fails to take into consideration several other groups who might appear to be blogging obsessively, but in reality are not.”

    What others groups? Where is the source for these other groups? Do you have physical evidence of this?

    Blogs and message boards often become the only social vehicles accessible to the physically disabled and housebound who would otherwise not have a social life at all.

    I’m slightly disabled. So? And I work part time and socialize. Blogs and message boards being addictive, yes, but being the only social vehicle is like calling it a repressive crutch (that’s just a feeble excuse). And, in turn, dubbing yourself a cripple. If you don’t have a social life, perhaps it’s because you spend too much time in virtual time, on a computer, or the blogosphere rather than trying to make friends right outside your door. You can even do something as simple as sit on a front lawn chair and breathe the fresh air.

    I suffer from Post Polio Syndrome and, on a bad day, I can barely manage to get across my living room.

    Yet you manage to still blog, make coffee, and run over to your computer. Even in your worst condition. How is that possible? Me, when I feel sick, I go and lay in bed.

    And then there is the current aspect among small press authors to use the internet as a vehicle for publicity.

    ALL authors use this form of publicity. So do television actors. Models. Sports stars. Otherwise, they have a publicist, agent, or lawyer 90% of the time where off-Web subjects are concerned – do the research, that’s a real number.

    I do not believe that either of those groups should be counted within the categories that you mention, even if, at first glance they might appear to be ripe for inclusion.

    I think they are ripe for inclusion, and also ripe for dissection. For example, take a look at your own blog. In it, you’ve exhibited three different personalities so far at one point other than your true self. Shall we count more? Or would you like to count them yourself? Let’s start at January 1st 2008, and read all the way up until now to get a good understanding of your habits, how often you do these habits, then move forward.

    In your blog, you’ve openly admitted to being racist… but said you’re not racist. In your blog you’ve openly admitted to using illegal drugs such as Meth (other sites such as Livejournal suggest crack-cocaine), but you say you are a recovering addict. I will give you the benefit of the doubt, but… THEN you admit you suffer flashbacks and hallucinations! Why, because you were outted. In your blog you first admit to being a homophobe with one editor, then take it back and say that you are homosexual. In your blog you disrespect a good Christian editor, who goes by the Good Book. But you smear his name, call him a piece of S*** in a following entry, and then mock the Bible and Christians as a whole. But then you have nothing against this person of Faith. WHICH IS IT ALREADY? You always have aberrant overreactions to comments (the above major areas mentioned), and your craft has lacked in certain years I think DUE to the Internet. My opinion: you’d probably be a more stable and productive author if you concentrated on writing rather than blogging or visiting messageboards. You also take pride, I see, in thinking someone is following you or stalking you in virtual time (also a clear indication of the condition mentioned above, and various other psychoses). Fact: you can’t stalk someone in virtual time. And you blog sporadically where, sometimes once or twice a day IS really enough.

    1.This is an interesting take on the subject. A friend sent me a link to this entry because Nickolaus Pacione’s comment referenced my blog.

    You know you’ve landed on a crazy person’s blog when, like all of Pacione’s many blogs, it doesn’t point and laugh, but makes direct attacks on people,

    Such as your blog, Rusty. Let’s take a look at your blog now from January 1st 2008 onward. You directly attack people – not just authors – but good people who do not even know who you are. You are known for attacking. You have become the one thing you desired NOT to have done to you, and now you are deteriorating from it. Only you can’t really see. You’re stuck in this cyber void, all thoughts and actions assimilated to a keyboard and the blogosphere. You’ve become an information engine, now part of virtual time. Only Virtual time isn’t real. It’s fantasy and deluson. Reality is real.

    including death, arson, and rape threats. My blog follows the antics of nitwit bloggers who have huge egos in reverse proportion to their writing skills.

    Where are these threats? Do you have physical evidence? Death and arson is really bad! Why have you not called the authorities, gotten a restraining order, or taken this more seriously in real time (not virtual time). If you took this seriously you would bring forth your evidence, file papers in court and have this person above apprehended. But you live in virtual time. You’ve given your soul to the Blogosphere, and in return you’ve sacrificed an even more integral part of yourself. The real side. The human side. The non-machine side. What is your best way to get petty revenge at a person? Through the blogosphere, which does not exist in real time.

    For example: if somebody were to threaten you in virtual time (on a blog or messageboard) that they were going to shoot you, they would have to have an e-gun. We all know that e-guns don’t exist. Real guns kill. Not virtual guns, or people who blog about them. The same goes with arson and other death threats. More stable people call that “venting”.

    As for the rest, about huge egos, there seems to be much repression here as well as fourth-to-fifth stage BOS (the five major areas mentioned above). In order to understand if somebody has a huge ego in proportion to something, you would need to meet them and understand their character in real time. That’s a fact. Not virtual time or on some blog.

    I have no personal attachment to my blog, and spend astonishingly little time maintaining it.

    Don’t lie. You’ve actually lost touch with your own true self. In virtual terms, you’ve malfunctioned. You sometimes blog as much as 10 to 12 times PER DAY, where I never blog more than that in a month. What’s even more amazing is you’ve spread so much hate that other people who you call your friend have become just as riled up and addicted now. Think of it, you contaminated your own viewership, the people you know before TRN really started taking off. You also blogged through your own brother’s death in 2007. What person who astonishingly spends very little time blogging or maintaining a blog does one through a loved one’s demise? And you were so addicted to it then, you actually wanted your parents to go back home to Oklahoma right away.

    The proof is here: Go back one year and read every posting up until now. Remember, most blogging is just a self-assertion set up in a long chain over time, a trail of mental yet spoken utterances. You’ve lost track of your mental path through the blogosphere. Unfortunately, you can’t have a physical path, because the physical does not exist in this realm. However, it can still show in your health.

    It amazes me how many hits it gets, and how its readership has grown over the past year. My readers appear to come from several factions, including writers, editors, Chicagoland folks who know Pacione IRL, and others who simply like to follow his online antics.

    And this is where the addiction and psychoses lie.

    Regardless, Pacione’s been taking anti-psychotic drugs daily, for many years. Judge for yourself.

    How many are you on? Better yet, how many SHOULD you be on?
    These two commentors are just like Laurel & Hardy. I think these two individuals need to be dissected further, but by someone more professional in the field, somebody knowledgable in this area. What about you? What is your opinion?

    Ed Note: edited to put in blockquote tags instead of bold tags.

  14. johaha Avatar

    Hey Lorenzo, you would also be a better writer if you actually cared about writing, cleaned up your grammar and punctuation, and learned how to properly execute a story.

    You blog all the time, too. Every time you respond to a post you are participating in the virtual world. You are no different in that regard. You seek your own self-worth online and believe—rather stupidly—that even bad press is good for exposure and sales.

    Well, you may get exposure, but it’s not the kind that translates into sales. I seriously doubt, no matter what you claim–that you have made the money you claim, or that your ‘exposure’ has translated into increased sales–or will in future.

    As far as mental health is concerned, your own reactions and your behavour tell people a lot about your mental stability. Once you put yourself out there , it is for all to see (well, to anyone who is looking in your direction). And there is such a thing as internet bully and virtual ‘guns’. Those guns are word, you dipshit. Words can and so harm. Again, your own reactions to words demonstrate the hard done to you by someone else’s words.

    So, hunker down there in Melville or Port Washington and have a good look in the mirror.

  15. kitsunenongrata Avatar

    Honestly, Lawerence, all this shouldn’t matter.
    All anyone really cares to hear from you is the answer to a simple question:
    Do you liek mudkipz?

  16. Mike Brendan Avatar

    Methinks he doth protest too much

  17. Chorlton Avatar

    My opinion is you are clearly a vile human being who is trying to use someone else’s thought out debate for your own personal feud.

  18. In case you missed the point, Lars… « Cussedness’s Weblog Avatar

    […] case you missed the point, Lars… Lars said: I’m slightly disabled. So? And I work part time and socialize. Blogs and message boards being […]

  19. johaha Avatar

    Yeah, that certainly sounds like Lorenzo.

  20. Lawrence Dagstine Avatar
    Lawrence Dagstine

    QUOTE: Hey Lorenzo, you would also be a better writer if you actually cared about writing, cleaned up your grammar and punctuation, and learned how to properly execute a story.

    Oh, how wonderful. An attack by an online entity, and always about the grammar, too, when this one shows up to put you down; your mentor smack you around with the book of tough love when it came to spelling, Johaha? This one is interesting, he’s called a stalker (a little different from the areas mentioned above – but the addiction remains the same). He has an almost internal fetish with me (I guess in a sense like Uma Thurman and her stalker, if you read the tabloids, but in virtual time). It’s kind of cute; other times a nuisance. He’s my biggest fan and reader for going on four years (but he won’t admit it). Fact of Memory. Yet if I disappeared tomorrow, his world would literally fall apart.

    You know what I think, Johaha, I think you were once a writer yourself (or at least deemed yourself one, but now realize as you’re getting older you’re no award winner, no magazine earner, you’ll never make the cut – me, in this economy, I can only guarantee moderate at most, if that – there’s honesty for you). So, out of envy and knowing that you yourself will never be a success, what do you do, you meet me around every turn. Sometimes you qualify, other times you epically fail.

    QUOTE – You blog all the time, too. Every time you respond to a post you are participating in the virtual world.

    I told you. Ten to twelve times per month. You don’t need anymore more than that Or at least I don’t. And you don’t think I blog about everything, do you? Come now, as my stalker you should even know I’m smarter than that. And I’m here because it’s a very interesting post (it’s relevant to the links provided above and the issue itself in general). No, I take that back. It’s an INTEGRAL subject. And it makes sense to me. Does it to you?

    QUOTE – You are no different in that regard. You seek your own self-worth online and believe—rather stupidly—that even bad press is good for exposure and sales.

    Why would one seek self-worth on a machine? I thought it was always about the writing, about a good story. You’re talking to a metal box right now, and yes, I agree, at the moment I am talking to a metal box too. But here lies the question: do you perceive this to be just a metal box or a realm where words are real? Look out your window – that’s called daylight. I always thought action speaks louder than words; words before action doesn’t make sense, and it will never compute. And I like to be a “positive person” about my accomplishments and I sometimes like to share them with others. So, in my opinion, it’s the way you are PERCEIVING it (notice the way how I capitalized that word; ingenius, right?) Or, as I previously stated, you just can’t fathom or understand another person’s rise. Or appreciate it. Maybe jealousy? Why Lawrence and not me?

    QUOTE – Well, you may get exposure, but it’s not the kind that translates into sales. I seriously doubt, no matter what you claim–that you have made the money you claim, or that your ‘exposure’ has translated into increased sales–or will in future.

    The bank tells me another story when I make the deposits. You silly, do you really think I blog about everything. Even a hack like you can do math. And I never said I was Danielle Steele or James Patterson (if you get my point).

    QUOTE – As far as mental health is concerned, your own reactions and your behavior tell people a lot about your mental stability. Once you put yourself out there , it is for all to see (well, to anyone who is looking in your direction).

    Why are you veering away from the subject? And how do you know what my mental health is like… This is a metal box. At any moment, I can push the off button or pull the plug. Which means, in essence, I can pull the plug on you too. Can YOU pull the plug, is the question? Do you have the strength and mental ability to pull it? By the way, the first part of your rant contradicts the last part.

    QUOTE – And there is such a thing as internet bully and virtual ‘guns’. Those guns are word, you dipshit.

    Ah, we’ve resorted to name-calling. How very adult and mentally stable of you. But, once again, action speaks louder than words.

    QUOTE – Words can and so harm. Again, your own reactions to words demonstrate the hard done to you by someone else’s words.

    No, this is not some retort. I’m politely giving you my view and answering what you, the commenter, has brought forth.

    QUOTE – So, hunker down there in Melville or Port Washington and have a good look in the mirror.

    I will. And you know what, I’ll smile and know I did it the slow but honest way… the way that you failed yourself. I know I have no big awards or Hugo trophies, but then again, where are yours? 🙂

  21. no one special Avatar
    no one special

    Actually, don’t several well known authors and others involved in the publishing world have restraining orders against Nicky?

  22. cussedness Avatar

    Yes, they do. And within a few weeks, I will have one against Dagstine.

  23. Let the Truth Shine Forth « Cussedness’s Weblog Avatar

    […] the Truth Shine Forth Daggy is still trying to win a fight with his detractors over He singled out Johaha for a taste of his […]

  24. johaha Avatar

    Your stupidity, Loroenzo, shines through. You insist I am someone I am not. You keep believing that, asswipe. With no proof of the matter, you keep believing that.

    The biggest failure is you. Over 300 stories and still no REAL publishing deal—and still your stories are so bad only crap amateur magz will take them. Now that is EPIC FAIL. The only hack around here is you.

    As I am NOT a writer, as you think, I could never be jealous of a failed hack. Keep dreaming, Lorenzo. Your time is coming to an end. The only person who does not realize this is you.

    I am not getting older, as you say, I am 35 and in my prime. You? Oh, 32 and a failed writer….So sorry.

    With the way you retort, you are hardly a positive person. And with all the screenshots of every threat you ever made saved by TRN and others, evidence of your true behavour is there for all to see. (And many have seen it.)

    I contradict nothing. You must have failed reading comprehension; you certainly failed grammar. And yes, dipshit, it’s all about the grammar. Learn some.

    So, sum up. After 300 credits and still a failure. Thinks I am someone I am not and can’t prove it. Threats saved in files. Failed grammar and logic.

    Result: Epic smackdown. Epic failure. Too bad you are so myopic you can’t see it. (I bet he doesn’t know what myopic means)

  25. johaha Avatar

    And don’t go spouting any crap about Samsdot, Lorenzo. They are, for all intents and purposes, no one as far as the publishing world is concerned. They don’t pay Pro rates, don’t qualify for the awards and couldn’t win one if they tried.

  26. Louise Avatar

    “He’s my biggest fan”

    No, Lorenzo. You are your biggest fan.

    And since you love to tout those creds, and ask for creds in return, here is a little fact for you. I just made my first pro sale, and I think I have less than a dozen ‘creds’ under my belt. Oh, and I write better than you do, and I’ve only tried the submitting arena since 2002.

    Listen to Johaha — waste less time blowing hot air, and learn how to be the writer you claim to be.

  27. johaha Avatar

    The fact that you, Louise, have gone Professional with only a few stories to your name speaks volumes about how good your writing must be.

    The fact that Lorenzo has over 300 and still has not cracked the Pro market speaks volumes about him as a failure.

    (And he has the audacity to try and put other writers down…Make a Pro sale, dipshit, and then come crowing about it. Until then, fuck off and die.)

    Good work, Louise.

  28. Mike Brendan Avatar

    So… Larry… project much?

  29. Rusty Avatar

    I recall Larry, not that long ago, practically beg people to stalk him, and even tried to tell us when and where to do it. Then, he threatened, on either the Shocklines or Odark forum, to stalk a woman at one of the monthly book readings at the KGB Bar in the East Village. And, I’m pretty sure that Nanci at Horrorworld didn’t pull down Larry’s forum because she thought he was behaving with decorum.

  30. johaha Avatar

    Black Ink Horror–dropped.

    Got a headache yet, douche bag?

  31. susie hawes Avatar

    Please don’t slam Samsdot. They are good, honest, talented, hardworking souls and their work shows it. I’m a fan of many of the great folks at Samsdot.

    So they publish Daggy. Hey, everyone’s allowed one screw up. C. Buburuz, artist and the editor of CHAMPAGNE SHIVERS is a good friend of mine, for a good reason. I love to read the drabbles, and I value this company.

    Don’t shoot down good people to nail a piece of shit like Dagstine.

    I agree with everything else being said, but not that comment about Samsdot.

  32. cussedness Avatar

    I agree, Susie. Editors and publishers can make mistakes. Samsdot should not be blamed for a passing moment of stupidity. It happens to all of us.

  33. johaha Avatar

    Point taken.
    I was trying to point out to Dags that they are not considered a professional sale.

  34. cussedness Avatar

    Small press is never considered a professional sale. Most writers organizations have a minimum standard for what is considered a pro sale. What I have been paying for shorts in my anthologies is enough to get the writers admission to HWA as an affiliate, but not a credit as an active.

    The standards at SFWA are even more stringent than those at HWA.

  35. Lawrence Dagstine Avatar
    Lawrence Dagstine

    Hey, Range. Decided to come back a week later to see the charmers’ comments. Ah, I see they hate to hear the truth; some even chime in to defend others. See all these hateful people talking? This is EXACTLY the research I needed myself for two of them who, as we speak, are going to be indicted soon for willful and malicious stalking. The thing is, I have to prove to my lawyer that they also ruined projected sales, which is the problem.

    I don’t even list my bigger credits anymore. I save them for my personal enjoyment. Anyway, good commentary once again.

    P.S.: Susie Hawes, to bash someone or call them a piece of S*** when you’ve never met the person speaks little of your character and morals. Where you are concerned, well, I am very greatly disappointed.

  36. […] here,, Larry writes, I don’t even list my bigger credits anymore. I save them for my personal […]

  37. johaha Avatar

    You have no case Daggy.

    Keep dreaming.

    I’ll be waiting for the sound of FAIL.
    Oh, there it goes just now.

  38. And there Daggy goes again! « Cussedness’ Weblog Avatar

    […] 29, 2008 by cussedness And he’s back at Range’s blog trying to get the English Teacher to help him against us. We who were stalked and harassed into […]

  39. Devil's Child Avatar
    Devil’s Child

    Hey Lorenzo…
    Unlike your “cancer” and Nikki’s “bipolar type II” aliments, I have actually been diagnosed as a clinical sociopath (look it up and learn something.) I won’t bother to reveal whether or not the diagnosis was correct, but I will let you know this: take great care in what you say and do, and keep looking over that shoulder of yours. One day you WILL see something you will wish to God that you had not.

    Is that a threat?
    It’s REALITY.

  40. SirOtter Avatar

    “P.S.: Susie Hawes, to bash someone…when you’ve never met the person speaks little of your character and morals.”

    Putting aside the fact that it’s only one among the googleplex of non-sequiturs you spout with every line you type, Daggy, it applies more to your activities of the past twelve hours than to anyone else’s. Who’d want to meet someone in person who is so monumentally socially inept, obnoxious, petulent and impotently vicious? We gather that, and your other deficits, quite clearly from your logic-impaired posts. We all know more than enough about you to form the same opinion Susie did. You graciously supplied us with everything we need to know to arrive at the same conclusion she did, and that conclusion is reinforced every time you engage in one of your inept attempts to stalk and harass one of us. Feel free to seek legal redress. It would give a judge the opportunity to see you in action, which would provide him or her with more than enough ammunition to consign you to the treatment facility you apparently so desperately need to be in for an extended period of time.

  41. johaha Avatar

    “I don’t even list my bigger credits anymore. I save them for my personal enjoyment.”

    Okay. Like anyone trying to get their name out there would save their professional credits for themselves.

    In a word? Bullshit.

    You have no professional credits. Once again you use the oldest trick in the book–the bluff.

    So you had a tumor? Let’s all say it, Arnold style: ‘It’s not a toomah.”

    Oh wait. It is. It’s called your head.

  42. johaha Avatar

    I always laugh at the amateurs who keep insisting that self-pub POD will take over.

    There will always be professional people and doors in the industry that will keep out the chaff. Always.

    In the past decade of POD self-publishing, there has been nothing to contradict that. If this great revolution was going to happen, it would have happened by now.

    The fact that just over 10 years have gone by without any change to the industry speaks volumes about how delusional and misguided these amateurs wannabes are.

  43. Dagstine lies again « Cussedness’ Weblog Avatar

    […] Here’s the proof. I had taken the link down so that Range would not continue to get nasty comments. […]

  44. Dagstine doth protest a bit much. « Cussedness’ Weblog Avatar

    […] Fiction,… – ____________________________________ You are very understanding of my disability, aren’t you […]

  45. pyposseSeab Avatar

    Brevin stared at the far wall, Tykir at the table, Lanthan at Brevins back. It filled in the cracks that had formed when she exploded, when shed fallen apart. It may mean nothing to you, but I must say that Im proud of you. He raised one eyebrow. Fingers digging into his hips, she pushed herself away from him. Her gifts were not of the same caliber, as they were divinely enhanced. That Hyle was fascinated by all things magical had brought them even closer together. Eyrhaen glanced over her shoulder to meet Radins triumphant smile. Her heart stopped at seeing him close after over a moon of avoiding him. Tykir sat on the arm of it beside him. Her fingers curled into fists, and she pounded both of them on his chest. Yelping, she twisted aside to look at Nialdlye, who held her hands up, palms out. Glorious restriction kept her anger safely at bay. They still refused to relent. Whispering low in the smaller mans ear, he pulled Tykir away. Laughing, he grabbed her hips and rolled over. I have all the time in the world for you. She nodded, understanding the attraction from Brevins, Lanthans, and Tykirs points of view. I fell in love with you when I was only a shadow in the darkness. He weighed her breasts with his palms, squeezing gently.

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