In Treatment Week 3 Jake And Amy Thursday 5PM S01E14 (HBO)

This is a surprising show on HBO. I was really dumbfounded when I discovered that there will be 43 episodes of In Treatment. Wow, 43. These are only half hour shows, or almost half hour shows, but still. That is just incredible.

In Treatment is based on the Israeli series Betipul. Gabriel Byrne plays Paul Weston, a psychologist trying to deal with his patients while going through some personal problems. Each show focuses on a different patient. Mondays feature Laura, an anestheologist infatuated with Paul. Tuesdays feature Alex, an ex-fighter pilot traumatized by events that happened a few years ago. Wednesdays feature Sophie, a suicidal teenage gymnast with Olympic aspirations. Thursdays feature Jake and Amy, a couple in couple’s counseling. Fridays feature Gina, Paul’s own therapist and mentor that he stopped seeing 8 years ago for some reason.

I’ve always loved psychology. This show really feeds that need. The sessions are almost verbatim of what would happen in a real session. This show is about characters, not actions. It’s a very smart show and I am also very surprised that Marky Mark is the executive producer. Marky Mark has had success with Entourage so it makes sense that he decided to try out other projects.

This is a great show. I really liked it. I find that it’s best to watch it a few episodes at a time. I recommend this show.

In this session, Jake and Amy haven’t come to terms with the miscarriage. The therapy session starts with Amy, but Jake followed her. Kate tells Paul that she is leaving for Rome next week with her lover Evan. Paul is livid. He’s so furious, he doesn’t know what to do.

Warning: Spoilers ahead.

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Amy arrives at Paul’s office. Jake isn’t there. She asks about private sessions. Paul thinks that it would be best if she did these with another therapist. She wants to do them with Paul. Paul relents if Jake can hear what they talk about during their therapy. Amy gets a call. She hangs up.

Paul says that he was worried about Amy. It’s nice to hear that, she says. He was also worried about Jake. He worried more about Amy. Jake thinks that she was conspiring with Amy after what happened. He didn’t want Amy to come to therapy. She doesn’t feel bad about losing the baby, she didn’t want the baby. She says that she doesn’t feel bad enough.

She tells Paul that he is very handsome. She receives another phone call. It’s Jake. She doesn’t answer again. She says that maybe Jake thinks she is f*cking Reeves, her boss. She asks what he thinks about her. Paul thinks that she is flirting with him.

She asks where the stain is. Paul says that it came out real easily. She thought that it wouldn’t come out so easily. He asks her if she feels grief. She is mute. She doesn’t say anything. It looks like she is grieving. She is about to cry. Jake is at the window. He comes into the room. Amy asks Jake what he is doing her. They start arguing. Jake says that Paul is only here to nod and do some damage from time to time.

Jake says that he feels like shit because of what happened. Amy doesn’t want to talk about it with Jake here. Jake asks Amy if she made a pass at Paul. Amy asks what if she did. Jake tells her that she isn’t worried about Paul, he is worried about Amy’s compulsion to come on to men. He thinks it’s a pattern. Paul wants to know why she does this. He is asking Jake. Jake says that he loves authority. Reeves is the first boss that Jake is jealous of. Jake says that Amy has changed. She didn’t used to have this look in her eyes. He thinks that Amy is on the prowl.

Amy says that she was tamed, housebroken. She had her child a month after she met Jake. She has been trapped.

Amy is glad that she isn’t preggers anymore. She leaves.

Jake pays Paul and leaves. Paul tells him to come to therapy for himself, not just for Amy. Paul puts on some music and lies down on the couch. Kate comes in the office.

Paul’s relationship with his wife is degrading. Kate hasn’t been home a single night this week.

You’re having an affair so that they discover that they have a father?
Paul to Kate.

She tells him that she is going away for a couple of days. She is leaving for a week. Rosy won’t be here. She is going away with Evan. She is going to Rome with her lover. Rome was special for them. Paul tells her to get out of here. Paul needs to do something about this, but he is stuck in his pattern.

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