In Treatment Week 7 Jake And Amy Thursday 5 PM S01E34 (HBO)

In Treatment will last a total of 43 episodes. In Treatment is based on the Israeli series Betipul. Gabriel Byrne plays Paul Weston, a psychologist trying to deal with his patients while going through some personal problems. Each show focuses on a different patient. Mondays feature Laura, an anesthesiologist infatuated with Paul. Tuesdays feature Alex, an ex-fighter pilot traumatized by events that happened a few years ago. Wednesdays feature Sophie, a suicidal teenage gymnast with Olympic aspirations. Thursdays feature Jake and Amy, a couple in couple’s counseling. Fridays feature Gina, Paul’s own therapist and mentor that he stopped seeing 8 years ago for some reason.

I’ve always loved psychology. This show really feeds that need. The sessions are almost verbatim of what would happen in a real session. This show is about characters, not actions. It’s a very smart show and I am also very surprised that Marky Mark is the executive producer. Marky Mark has had success with Entourage so it makes sense that he decided to try out other projects.

This is a great show. I really liked it. I find that it’s best to watch it a few episodes at a time. I recommend this show. I like watching it in batches. Since the show only lasts between 21 and 29 minutes, this is easy to do. My favorite sessions are with Sophie. Jake and Amy’s sessions are harder to watch, since most married couples have gone through problems at some point in their lives. But they are enlightening.

In this session Jake and Amy are at a crossroads. Amy has some startling revelations for Jake and Paul. Jake doesn’t take them well. Something is broken and it can’t be fixed as easily as they would have thought. The problems lie with both of them. Amy is creating the problems on purpose to punish herself. She might have gone too far and lost Jake.

Warning: Spoilers ahead.

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Jake arrives. Amy is in the car finishing a call. Jake talks about how nice his neighborhood is. Jake complains about Amy’s driving. He once fell asleep at the wheel while driving Amy to the airport. He says that in truth, she is a much better driver than Paul. Amy says that she was late on purpose, she thought that Jake and Paul could catch up.

They kind of bicker around a bit. Jake tries to be understanding, but Amy doesn’t like how nice he is being with her. Jake says that he is trying hard to keep the peace. Jake can’t week. He felt like he was giving her what she needed. When he says this, Amy laughs out loud. She finds it funny that he thinks that he knows what she needs.

She wants to get home, she’s got a stomach ache. Her stomach is cramping. Jake says that it’s just vague enough to be completely untreatable. Paul asks if she’s had them before. She says that she had her first one when her father died. He died outside an ice cream store. A car swung and piled right into her dad, while she was getting another cone. One minute he was sitting and the next he was dead. She saw it happen. Afterwards, she had a wave of pain. She was taken to the hospital. Her mother never forgave. Paul asks for what. Jake starts to comfort her. She doesn’t want his sympathy. She says that she’s done terrible things. She had sex with Ben. She had sex with Amy right after her session with Paul. She didn’t feel anything. He said disgusting things to her while he f*cked her. She had planned on telling Jake and quitting, but in the cab, she realized that she couldn’t say anything to Jake.

Jake starts to laugh. Paul says that maybe Jake is relieved. Jake says that it’s always been his worst nightmare. Now he feels like this huge weight has been lifted off his shoulders. He says that he feels bad and sad for Amy. Jake says that he doesn’t feel jealous or angry. He fells sad for her and for them.

Amy says that from the moment Jake broke down, she felt like she was going to lose control. She says that she feels awful. Paul says that she’s maybe always wanted to make Jake angry because she didn’t trust his tenderness. There’s something deep inside Amy that wants to be punished. Jake has been working hard at being more patient and being more supportive, and he’s no longer giving her what she needs in that way. When Jake stopped punishing her, she started punishing herself by having sex with somebody that she finds repulsive.

After her father died, her mother never forgave her. Maybe she didn’t forgive herself for leaving her dad on the curb. Maybe if she degrades herself enough, maybe somebody will forgive her for everything.

Amy asks Jake why did he want to be with him. Jake says that he loved her. Loved. She tells him that she deserves it. He can hit her if he likes. Jake doesn’t want to hit her. Jake wants to leave. Amy asks him to wait. She asks Paul for forgiveness. Paul tells her to ask Jake. She doesn’t say anything.

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