The Vampire Diaries Blood Brothers S01E20 (CW)

The Vampire Diaries logo on CW, image via wikipedia
The Vampire Diaries logo on CW, image via wikipedia

Fresh on the heels of the boring Twilight craze, and the well-deserved True Blood phase, CW is offering up its latest in teen dramas. Apparently, this show drew 5 million viewers its first night. That’s probably due to Twilight-hype. I can’t stand Twilight. It sucks ass. I couldn’t read the books, but read a review from Dan Bergstein on those Stephanie Meyer books. It was very entertaining. The movie kind of sucked as well.

This is the situation, as I’ve divined it using my psychic powers. The Fox network saw that Twilight was really working well. Wow, maybe vamps are cool again, said one exec. Another said, maybe not, remember Forever Knight. Then, everyone went bonkers for True Blood. The same exec said it confirmed his theory that vamps are back in, notably teen vamps, not crazy sex-addicted vamps. One exec mentioned Teen Wolf, the other slapped him on the back of the head.

So, we need to find a teen vampire series. Wait, my daughter used to read some vampire thingie called The Vampire Diaries in the 90s. Let’s pressure L. J. Smith to write some sequels as an added incentive. That will make it cool!

Warning: spoilers ahead

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Logan is back and both Damon and Stefan are after him. They aren’t the only ones, as the new boy in town, Alaric, is also a hunter. Other vampires are coming soon in order to break the vampires that were sealed in by Emily underneath the church. Now that Damon discovered this, he won’t be leaving Mystic Falls anytime soon. Elena gets into a bad accident and she meets one of the new vamps.

The show is getting less ridiculous, but I can’t really handle the romantic bits between Elena and Stefan. It’s still 100% pedophilia, as he’s almost 150 years older than she is.

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Stefan is remembering the past. Gilbert’s artefact was in play. They free Katherine from the vampire hunters. Damon gets shot. Stefan gets shot and the hunters leave with Katherine.

Stefan wakes up with the ring that Katherine made for him. Damon is there too. Some woman is there, it must be Bonnie’s ancestor Emily. Damon has been drinking willingly from Katherine while she had to compel Stefan to drink her blood. Damon tells Stefan that they killed her in the church. Damon wants to die. Stefan goes to see their father and he learns that he was the one who shot them. There is a scuffle and Stefan’s bloodlust takes over.

Stefan brings a girl to see Damon. He is the one who made Damon drink blood the first time. This is what made him turn.

In the present, Elena has been avoiding her uncle. Jeremy meets up with Anna. She’s starting school so that she can hang out with him. Damon brings some animal blood for Stefan, but he won’t drink it. Alaric calls Damon. John and Isobel have been talking. Alaric’s friend traced Isobel’s new number. They located her. They get into the home. Damon finds some vampire blood. A vampire comes after them. He recognizes one of the vamps. It’s Henry, one of the vamps in the tomb. He knows John. He met him right after he got out of the tomb. They ask him about Isobel. He doesn’t know about her. The others from the tomb are out as well, but they aren’t as laid back as Henry. They dust him. Alaric says that he’s done searching for Isobel.

Pearl meets with John. Anna and Jeremy are talking about the vampire business that’s been going on. John wants the device. Pearl tells John that she gave it to Damon. Pearl tells Anna that they are moving on. They are in danger. Anna doesn’t want to leave. She says goodbye to Jeremy.

Elena finds Stefan gone from the cage. She finds him and he drinks some blood. Damon tells Stefan that he hates him because Katherine turned him as well. It was only supposed to be him

Someone stakes Pearl as she is trying to leave. Harper is staked as well. Anna finds them.

John Gilbert did the deed. He calls Sheriff Forbes and informs him about what he did.

Ric is drinking and Isobel comes to find him.

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