Big Brother UK S12E60 (Channel 5)

I haven’t been that impressed with the nominations twists. HM are unaware that they will nominate later today. Faye is making breakfast.

Lou comes to the diary room. Lou says that she’d probably keep £10K. The rest, she’d give to her family.

Jay and Faye are in the bedroom talking about being nominated. Jay doesn’t want to nominate. Faye says that her reasons for nominating might not be valid. Jay goes for a dip. He tells Lou and Alex that he goes for wees in the pool. That’s disgusting.

I’ve had a poo on a beach and washed my ass in the sea.

HM gets costumes with shock pads. There’s a closeup of Alex putting the shock pads on Faye’s bum, who’s wearing a thong. Nice one.

BB gathers the HM for today’s Halloween-themed task in the garden. BB’s right-hand man Igor will administer the shocks. BB tells them that the noms will take place face-to-face. While Aaron nominates, Jay, Alex, and Tom talk about strategy. BB punches the HM for doing so. they all get shocked. Lou also got a shocked.

Take it you dirty bitch.
Tom to Lou when she gets shocked

Aaron told the HM to always vote to the left of them so that they all get 2 votes. They get shocked repeatedly. Lou nominates how Aaron said and BB says that their noms are null and void. They will start again. It’s a fundamental rule that all HM need to nominate.

The HM are still trying to strategize. Instead of following his own plan, Aaron votes for Lou. All of the HM do a double-take. Just like Aaron, Lou messes up her noms. She even said that she should have voted for Tom, but instead voted for Faye.


Aaron Lou Tom “She’s messy.”
Lou Aaron Faye “He should behave like a grown man.”
Faye Alex Lou “She helps herself to my food.”
Tom Jay Lou “He steals the spares.”
Alex Jay Faye “He eats all of it.”
Jay Aaron Faye “He smokes everything.”

This means that Lou and Faye are nominated. Why did Aaron nominated Louise instead of Tom or Alex? I don’t know if it was planned. He says that he didn’t remember who to vote for. When he’s alone with Tom and Alex, he tells them that they didn’t deserve to be nominated, that’s why he changed his vote. Jay tells Lou that if she would have voted for Tom, they would have all been up. She messed up as well. Lou is somewhat dim and says that she didn’t realize it. Lou knows that Aaron did it on purpose. In a sense, Aaron’s vote made sense because it would have saved Tom and Alex from being up, even if Lou would have followed the plan.

The HM don’t like what Aaron did. Lou, Aaron, and Jay are talking. Lou has figured out what happened. She didn’t want to nominate Tom or Alex, because Alex’s birthday is coming up. She wanted Tom to be with her. Aaron reveals that he felt the same way. He didn’t want Alex nominated. If Lou would have followed through, everyone but Alex would have been nominated.

Aaron just over thought the whole thing. He should have just with the original plan.

Faye is talking a shower. She’s singing.

Lou comes to the diary room. She’s crying. She couldn’t put up Tom or Alex and she didn’t want to put up Jay.

I’m a scruff bag.

Tom tells Alex that he hates Aaron. He’s not going to speak to him this week. He can’t be bothered. Aaron comes to the diary room to explain his vote.

Faye tells Jay and Tom that she feels that she’s been fucked over. Jay says that she has. Faye isn’t happy with Aaron. She blames him for being nominated. She says that she feels like shit. She’s also upset that he didn’t work together with team. He also reveals that he would want Alex to get a pass to the final week, above anyone else. He implies this is even over her. She doesn’t like hearing this because she would put him above anyone else in the house, and he doesn’t feel the same way. He also said that if he had known that Faye would be up, would he have done the same. He replied yes.

Faye goes and tells this to Alex and Tom. They are both shocked. Faye says that she feels sick. Tom says that if he would have told him that, he would have been heartbroken. Tom says that Aaron has got no loyalty.

* * * * *

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