Big Brother UK S12E36 (Channel 5)

Jay and Lou are snogging. Lou confides in Alex. Lou says that when good things happen to her she tries to think of the negative. Lou is falling in love.

Aaron and Tom are talking about Jem and Faye. There are some nice shots of Faye’s bum in a thong. Aaron says that this is leading to something. He says that it’s feasible for him to work in Birmingham.

For today’s task, HM will play a carnival game. There is a Date with Rebeckah up for grabs. Jem gets a gym session. Jay gets a bunch of bananas. Faye gets nominations. She wanted a call home. She has a cry in the toilet. Harry gets a phone call home. Alex earns the house a crockery ban. Tom gets a Date with Rebeckah. Lou gets a romantic night for 2.

Jem chooses Jay to accompany her on her gym session. I don’t know what she was thinking. Faye is pissed off. Jay and Jem work out in the garden. Jem sounds like she’s having sex while a despondent Faye watches on.

Aaron and Faye have a song in the bathroom. Harry talks with his mom.

It’s like being in prison in here.
Harry to his mom

Jay is crafting Lou a love letter out of tin foil. He spelled out “Thanks for the date, but I’m not ya mate”.

Rom has a date with Rebeckah. Aden says that he loves her. Rebeckah shouts back that she loves him too. They have a little chat before BB grounds the HM to the bedroom. Rebeckah’s hair looks really bad and she says she wishes that Aden would stop rapping.

Rebeckah tells Tom to relay another message to Aden. She wants him to stay away from Anton. Aden is called to the diary room. Rebeckah leaves and Tom takes the champers out.

HM are gathered to check out Faye’s nominations prize. They are going to show all of the people who nominated her. We see Aden, Alex, Anton, Harry, Jay, and Lou nominate Faye. Then we see Faye nominate Anton and Aaron. The HM are surprised about this one, but it looked that Aaron knew about it. Faye asks Jem if she can have a fag.

Faye confides in her sister. She’s shocked that some of the HM are playing a game. Jem agrees that Aaron is a trustworthy person. Only Tom and Aaron didn’t nominate Faye.

Aaron tells Harry that he was a bit annoyed with Anton’s, Aden’s, and Jay’s nominations. They also were intrigued by Anton’s reaction to getting nominated by Faye. He was really surprised and shocked. He’s extremely arrogant.

I don’t read.

Lou and Jay have their romantic date. Lou spits out her oyster. They have champagne, massage oil, chocolate, and other goodies to share in the boudoir. They get some music and some of the HM listen on. Anton then eavesdrops. They snog some more.

I can’t even get my willy in.

Faye comes to see Aaron. She says that she feels like shit.

Jem is in the diary room. She says that the noms helped her to get some insight. Both Anton and Jay didn’t care that they hurt Faye’s feelings.

* * * * *

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