Big Brother UK S12E52 (Channel 5)

The silence has fallen, but not for Doctor Who, but for the BBUK HM.

Jem is liking all of the attention she’s getting, and even though she feels better, she tells the HM that she is on the fence.

Aaron tells Faye that Jay and Lou were at it last night. Jay is reporting what happened in the diary room. He’s being evasive about the details.

Aaron, Harry and Jay are having a sweat in the sauna. They start talking about what Jay’s been up to. Lou comes to talk to BB. She’s proper falling for Jay.

There’s nothing wrong with having a song and a grind.

Alex has been struggling with making her bed for 28 minutes.

Faye and Jem are talking about nominations. Aaron is in the diary room talking about Jem. He doesn’t like her.

Alex asks him if he considers her a chav. Harry says a bit. Alex tells Harry that she’d like to hang out with Harry friends. Harry says that his friends are all prim and proper. Alex says that she’s prim and proper. Harry says no.

That’s the chaviest thing ever. Rolling down the street with the music blaring.

Alex is called to the diary room. She’s got to complete a maze with marker without touching the lines. If she gets distracted, she loses. A male stripper comes in and puts a marshmallow dipped in chocolate in her hair and near her mouth. Tom also gets a stripper, and Harry gets a sexy maid. Faye gets a clown. Tom really gets into it and strips as well. Jay gets a sexy waitress feeding him trifle. Aaron gets a kid with a spray gun. Lou gets a fat man farting and coughing.

I’m all oily and sweaty, might have to go for a wank.

Alex is the last one. As a punishment, she must make all of the beds. Faye is in 2nd with 31 seconds. The winner is Jem with a time of 30 seconds.

Jay is taking a soak naked. Lou comes in to check it out. I like Faye’s geeky glasses. Lou and Faye go for a smoke. They are both falling in love.

Jem gets an appointment with a beautician with Faye.

Alex and Harry are talking. They talk about going out and what their mom’s would think. We’re shown a little collated footage of Alex and Harry’s antics. They are cute.

Aaron is thinking about getting rid of his beard. Jay and Aaron decided to have an early night. The other HM are playing hide and seek. Harry, Lou, Tom, and Alex are in the diary room.

BB calls the HM back to the diary room. BB gives them a challenge. If HM can be entertaining in silence for 10 minutes, then BB will play them some music.

BB deemed HM reasonably entertaining.

The HM get music and drinks.

I could sniff you all day.
Jay to Lou

Aaron tells Tom that he’s starting to feel some love for Faye.

Harry and Aaron are talking about Jem. They both dislike her. They start talking nominations. They don’t think that Jay will be nominated. Jem might be nominated.

Tom and Alex are flirting or fake flirting. It looks like Tom is doing the flirting.

Tom and Jem are talking. Tom thinks that Jem wants Faye or Alex to win. She says that she also wants Tom to win.

* * * * *

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