Big Brother UK S12E54 (Channel 5)

So tonight, Jem will walk out of the house. Aaron hasn’t budged today. He’s still in bed. Last night, Alex and Tom hooked up a bit under the covers.

Jay is trying to talk Aaron out of leaving. He tells Faye that he’s a bit numb and doesn’t know what to think.

Harry, Jay and Tom are talking about Faye and Aaron. Harry think that they’ve only been together for a few weeks and already need counseling.

Aaron is called to the diary room. He gives a hug to fay and implies that he’s pretty sure he’s going.

It only takes one tree to make a thousand matches but it takes only one match to burn a thousand trees.

I feel like my trees are burning.

Alex is remaining tight-lipped about what she did with Tom. Aaron is taking a shower. Faye is in the bathroom. Aaron tells Faye that he has experienced the urge for sex with her.

This week’s shopping task is a massive gamble. HM have selected Lou, Jay and Jem to bet on a series of events. They are asked to bet on how much chocolate Alex will eat. They say 21-40.

This is death by chocolate.

Alex eats 20 chocolates and then barfs. She eats 21. The HM win their first bet. Their shopping budget is now £300. Earlier they failed to predict how many times Tom would say babe. They are down to £250. Their third bet is if Faye will beat a 10-year old. Jem doesn’t think that her sister won’t do well in general knowledge questions. They back up the 10-year old Billy. Lou thinks that Faye will be so offended.

Faye starts really badly, but catches up to smartypants Billy. She wins but the questions weren’t too challenging. The budget is down to £200.

Harry has to become a fox. The rest of the HM will be hounds. They have to chase him. The punters must bet on how long Harry will stay away from the hounds. The punters bet on 2 minutes. Harry starts laughing like crazy and is almost immediately caught by the hounds in the garden. The budget is down to £150.

Either do shit or do good, it’s not rocket science.

Jay comes to whine in the diary room.

The punters bet that Aaron will sing a sing from High School Musical. They bet the whole shopping budget on Aaron. He does choose that song. The shopping budget is at £300. He’s terrible. Everyone cringes. Lou likes it. Lou thinks he looks really sweet. She’s a softie. Faye was laughing the whole time through.

It’s like watching a poorly cat trying to kill itself.

Jay and Harry have been working out for 34 minutes. Aaron is smoking. Lou and Faye are talking about the noms and what happened with her family nominating Aaron.

Jem is back in the diary room. She wants to leave again.

Jay tells Lou that he misses the boys.

Everyone fancies my mom, she’s a mile.

Faye asks Aaron what he might do if he meets her mom. Aaron says that he’ll be himself and wants to change her opinion of him. It makes Faye smile.

Lou thinks that Jay doesn’t like her as much as she does. Tom disagrees.

Faye says that she wants three kids in ten years or a Range Rover. Aaron is listening in to her conversation with Tom. Aaron is already 30. He comes into the diary room. He says that they just want different things. He doesn’t know if that’s the end of them.

The public vote has been suspended because Jem left the BBUK house. Actually, BB has decided to put up all HM who received votes from the families. So Harry, Faye, Jay and Aaron will face the public vote. Aaron is the current favorite to win.

* * * * *

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