Big Brother UK S12E16-17 (Channel 5)

Faye, Louise and Rebeckah are muling over last night’s events. Faye got into an argument with Tom over a play fight gone wrong Aden tells Maisy that he’s going natters without having sex. Meanwhile, Jay tells the boys he liked his cuddle with Maisy. Anton says that he’ll go for Louise. Jay tells him that Louise considers Anton to be like her brother. Anton says that he’ll try to go for Faye then.

Faye, Jay, Aaron, and Louise are talking about Rebeckah. Jay says that she’s a liar. Jay says that he liked Rebeckah in the beginning, but cracks have started to appear. Dim Alex is listening in.

Brian talks with some friends of the nominees. Rebeckah is going to be evicted and she is going to get a shitload of boos.

I could take Jay to the shops.

Jay is working out in the garden. The girls are commenting on his physique. Aaron and Mark are in the diary room.

Dim Alex, Aaron, and Mark are doing the Macarena.

You’re in a love square.

Last night, while Jay was in bed with Maisy, he told Louise that he liked her. Anton says that he doesn’t trust Maisy. Anton thinks that Maisy is a cocktease. Jay says that Maisy will eat Anton up alive. Jay was getting evil eyes from both Faye and Louise. Anton says that he will try for Faye.

The boys are teasing Dim Alex. Anton, Jay, and Tom are talking about Aden and Rebeckah. Tom says that she has got sweet personas, but most of the times he’s nasty. Jay didn’t want Aden to get hurt. Tom says that Aden needs to man up. Anton thinks that Aden is acting immature.

Rebeckah is showing her dim side. She doesn’t believe that they evolved from monkeys. We didn’t. We evolved from primates. Rebeckah starts talking about marriage.

BB tells the HM that the storeroom is open. After last week’s debacle, Jay and Aaron are taking over. Heaven weasels herself into the storeroom. Jay tells Aaron to watch Heaven with hand signals.

Aden is pissed off at Heaven for acting the way she did with the shopping. Rebeckah and Aden are in bed again. Heaven and Jay are talking about Rebeckah. Rebeckah wants Aden to go to the diary room to ask for her to stay.

Maisy, Aaron, and Jay are talking about bars. Aaron makes it awkward. Mark is telling Rebeckah where she went wrong.

I just want all the Dumbos to slowly pack their bags and go out.

Anton is in the diary room. He finds both Rebeckah and Heaven very annoying. He wants them both to leave.

Heaven is moon bathing after the sauna.

Aaron got lucky. Maisy and Faye join in him bed. Anton is jealous and tickles Maisy. Rebeckah tells Aden that she isn’t bothered if he takes her on dates on the outside world. She doesn’t know how it’s going to work between them. She lives 4.5 hours away. Jay lets one rip. They cuddle and do stuff under the covers.

BBUK Evition Night S12E17

Brian talks to the BBUK house but doesn’t tell them not to swear, which I don’t like. Rebeckah gets boos. She’s evicted. The crowd is chanting ‘get Rebeckah out’. There is a chorus of boos.

During the break, Rebeckah starts to cry. Heaven is jubilant in the diary room. Rebeckah is already tearing up before she exits the house.

When we rejoin Brian, Rebeckah is crying. She says that she doesn’t care about the boos.

Rebeckah is shown who nominated her. She is shown footage of her gobbling down some biscuits and then telling Jay that Heaven was eating all of the chocolate.

Brian tells Rebeckah that it looked like she was leading Aden on. She is shows a message that Aden recorded for her. She starts to cry. She ends up saying that she fancies Aden.

The HM are shown a message from Rebeckah. She says that Anton is a snake, Heaven is an actress, Harry’s cool, Maisy is alright.

The others pale into insignificance because that’s what happens when you sit on the fence.

Back in the house, Harry tells Heaven to be quiet before she offends everyone in the house. Aden says that Heaven offended him. The arguments are starting up once again.

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