Big Brother UK S11E54 (Channel 4)

JJ wants a cuddle from Josie, but she says that her breath stinks. They exchange I Love Yous and get woken up. Sam teases them. It’s kind of funny.

Dave and Andy are talking about Pepper. Andy doesn’t like him. BB tells Sam that he’ll have to pass a suitcase filled with ridiculous costumes as his own in order to get his real case. If he fails, he’ll be stuck with BB’s suitcase.

The JJs are surprised at the amount of clothes that Sam brought. He can fit all of his clothes in a little drawer. His first outfit is pink.

Jo is crying in bed. Seeing Sam makes her feel good. He gives Josie a little lap dance. A bit later, is wearing a tank top and some glitter pants. It makes JJ crack up. Steve doesn’t believe that the clothes are his. Neither does JJ. Even Josie thinks that BB gave him the clothes. JJ says that if he passes the task, he’ll get his real clothes.

For passing this week’s task, the HM will receive a message from home.

Pepper’s next outfit is a swimming suit for girls with a tutu. The JJs and Josie whinge about Rachel. Her constant commentary is getting on their nerves. Josie asks JJ² if he’ll end up in Corin’s bed. JJ² doesn’t want to make things complicated with Corin’s girlfriend on the outside.

Steve and Moley find it somewhat humiliating what Bb is making Pepper do. At 2:30PM, Pepper runs up to see Josie in some kind of one-piece undergarment.

Corin is in the diary room. She’s complaining about her breath. She wants some chewing gum for her stinky breath. The house can’t afford any mouthwash.

Sam is starting to tease Josie. He gets close to her and jumps on her. She’s got her knee on his bollocks. He ends up rubbing his privates on his face. Josie just got teabagged. Josie shouts that she just had his bollock in her mouth. She spits a few time. The other HM find it somewhat funny.

Josie tells JJ that it’s like having an annoying little brother. JJ tells her that Sam loves her in some fashion. Sam is called to the diary room. He is called in the diary room for rubbing his crotch in Josie’s face.

Sam asks JJ if he fancies Josie. He doesn’t answer. He says that it’s a friendship. Sam doesn’t relent. JJ says that he could see Josie in that way. JJ says that he wouldn’t let anything happen in here. Sam asks him if something would happen on the outside. JJ says that he would.

Sam is back in the diary room. BB says that none of the HM believed that the clothes were his.

Dave and Moley are getting their chest hair removed. Sam comes out and complains that they made him lose his suitcase.

The JJs eat cheese on toast. They like Sam. Corin tells Jo that she’s embarrassed around JJ² because he’s fit. Jo says that JJ² has been brought up well. He does the washing up and takes care of business.

The JJs comment on how massive Corin’s tits are.

The HM are gathered to see messages from their family and friends. Josie is told by her friends to stop sucking her thumb. She also sees her house and her family. Corin’s message is an audio file and some photos of her mom as well as a message from her friend. Dave gets a message from his mom and his wife. JJ gets a message from his mom. He’s getting media coverage in Australia. His mother looks very young. Steve sees a message from his wife and kids. He starts to cry. Corin, Dave, and Rachel comfort him. Sam is quite nice.

The rest of the HM get messages from home. We don’t see it.

Josie and JJ are fooling about. Josie’s calves are as large as JJ’s thighs.

Steve is in the diary room. It’s been hard for him.

10 minutes ago, Josie and JJ dipped Sam’s toothbrush in a foul-smelling solution designed to stop Josie from sucking her thumb. A few of the other HM are aware of this. Sam is about to brush his teeth. He doesn’t flinch. After a few moments, his face changes but he doesn’t really notice. He doesn’t yet realize what happened. He goes to bed. Josie and some of the others talk. Sam comes back. Sam tells her not to start this game. He says that he’s already started messing with her, she just doesn’t know about it.

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