Big Brother UK Eviction Special S11E45 (Channel 4)

The eviction was cancelled to introduce new HM to the BBUK house. With 2 HM walking out of the BBUK house this week, they need fresh blood, hopefully a hot chick that will make Josie extremely jealous when she fawns attention to JJ, the most good-looking guy in the house. The HM will decide who goes in. There are 6 potential new HM. Keeley won’t be coming back to the house. She’s undergoing surgery on her ankle.

HM will be creating their music video. Yesterday, Andy said that he would sabotage his dance moves in the video.

Moley is whinging about Ben and Dave cutting into his singing lines. Later, Ben whinges to JJ and Dave in the nest. Dave says that Moley must have been spoiled as a kid, he always wants to be in the limelight. Dave says that he was an only child and the center of attention.

We see the music video. It’s definitely not as good as Glee. Ben is really shit, as usual. Most of the HM can’t lipsynch, especially Rachel, who forgot all of the words.

Later, the HM pretend that they are in the X-Factor. Corin is singing with her terrible voice.

Josie tells JJ that he looks very fit. They play in bed.

HM have been rehearsing for the performance tonight. Andrew Stone reveals who is going to sing. Corin is going to sing. OMG, this is going to be bad. She can’t hold a tune. Andy will be singing with her.

Josie and JJ are in bed again. JJ says that he’s been following her around. Dave tells Moley and Ben that BB wanted Josie and JJ to do the singing, but they didn’t have the talent.

Corin and Ben make a mess in the kitchen throwing stuff around. Josie and JJ are in the bathroom. JJ remarks that people are staying away from them.

Andy is poking Josie’s boobs with his mic. They talk about his sex appeal. Later, Josie and JJ are in the bathroom. She’s in the tub. Andy comes to the diary room to talk about Josie. He finds it confusing.


Davina talks with Caoimhe. She says that she was bored and wasn’t having any fun anymore. She doesn’t regret leaving the BBUK house. She is shown footage of Josie reacting to Caoimhe jumping on JJ. I think that Josie was exaggerating. Caoimhe’s here with her boyfriend. All is well. She saw Shabbs.

We see Andy and Corin singing. It’s not very good. The crowd is singing with them. The HM are told that they passed this week’s shopping task.

The HM are told that they have to choose the new HM. The HM have to shut Rachel up. She’s so loud and obnoxious. Josie starts sucking her thumb. The HM are shown VT from the new potential HM. All of the HM like Joel, the fatty. The HM have 1 minute to decide. It’s pandemonium. They vote for JJ, Joel, and Laura. Rachel insists that Jo should be selected and makes them take her. JJ tells BB that JJ² will be coming in. He says that Jo has also been selected. I think that the HM were just bullied by Rachel to get Jo in. The last HM to join them is Laura.

Josie is pissed that JJ selected Laura. JJ went with the majority vote. The crowd hates Laura already.

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